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Cylinder kit - DR Racing Parts 102ccm
SKU: KT00014
Remote stock, 15-16 days delivery

Product description

The DR Racing Parts 102ccm cylinder kit is the largest of the three versions from Italian DR Racing. The performance in this kit is absolutely top notch, which i.a. is due to the very special flushing channel and the large bore. The cylinder is made of cast iron and we therefore recommend a drive of around 200km. A spark plug with a short thread must be used for this cylinder. The kit is delivered complete incl. packing, piston rings, etc.


Bore ø55mm
Class Sport
Piston pin ø12mm
Displacement 102ccm
Flush canals 3
Stroke 43mm
Exhaust port Single
Material Cast iron

Does it fit?

This item fits the following models:

Piaggio Ape 50 2T