Cheap delivery
Fast delivery Worldwide
3.000+ satisfied customers
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Fast delivery

Our goal is to provide day to day delivery to all addresses in Denmark and fast delivery in all of Europe. That means we always give you the option of delivery the day after you have placed your order, Monday to Saturday. If your order is finalized before 16:30 GMT+1 Monday through Thursday and 15:00 GMT+1 on Friday, the package will be shipped from our warehouse the same day.

Multiple delivery options by various courier companies

To be able to offer the best possible solution for you, we collaborate with a long line of respected courier companies. We are continuously looking into new delivery options and possibilities, following the development as it happens.

Click ’N’ Collect at our physical store

Should you wish to order items online but pick them up at our physical store, that can easily be arranged. All you have to do is select “Click ‘N’ Collect” as the delivery option at our checkout. Because our warehouse is connected to our physical store and webshop, you can always purchase the same items on our website, at our store.

Naturally, it is completely free to collect your order at our store:
Sverigesvej 9C
8660 Skanderborg