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Righetti Ridolfi

Grounding wire - Righetti Ridolfi

Righetti Ridolfi

Grounding wire - Righetti Ridolfi

In stock, 5-6 days delivery
Tire valve tool

Righetti Ridolfi

Tire valve tool

In stock, 5-6 days delivery
Radiator hose - Black, 1 meter

Righetti Ridolfi

Radiator hose - Black, 1 meter

In stock, 5-6 days delivery
T-piece for radiator hose

Righetti Ridolfi

T-piece for radiator hose

In stock, 5-6 days delivery
Hose clamp for gokart intake dampener

Righetti Ridolfi

Hose clamp for gokart intake dampener

In stock, 5-6 days delivery
Fuel can - Righetti Ridolfi 5L

Righetti Ridolfi

Fuel can - Righetti Ridolfi 5L

In stock, 5-6 days delivery
Hose clamp for radiator hose - Righetti Ridolfi

Righetti Ridolfi

Hose clamp for radiator hose - Righetti Ridolfi

In stock, 5-6 days delivery
Brake pads - Righetti Ridolfi 111

Righetti Ridolfi

Brake pads - Righetti Ridolfi 111

In stock, 5-6 days delivery
Thermostat - Righetti Ridolfi

Righetti Ridolfi

Thermostat - Righetti Ridolfi



With Italian arrogance and belief in their own abilities, Righetti Ridolfi has managed to build a brand based on their abilities in plastic spare parts and accessories.

Back in 1961 in Verona, Righetti started producing small plastic parts for his own go-kart. He did this because the quality of existing parts was poor and the delivery time from the US was inadmissible. Righetti was quickly successful, and today Righetti Ridolfi produces a wide range of components, accessories and spare parts for scooters and mopeds. Righetti Ridolfi is the market leader in go-kart accessories and components - and in the scooter and moped industry they are booming. A mix of good quality and simple design has made their components extremely popular. In recent years, Righetti Ridolfi has expanded greatly and is also capable of delivering a wide range of components within the breed. Righetti Ridolfi is particularly known for their components close to the center of the machine - such as thermostats, coolers and air filters.