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Exhaust - Yasuni R - Red
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Product description

Exhaust - Yasuni R - Ed

Yasuni R is a further development of Yasuni Z and with larger volume, it is an excellent choice for both 50- and 70cc Sport cylinder kits. The big difference is experienced in truth on 70cc cylinder kits such as Polini Sport and Top Performances Racing Gold Line. The exhaust has been given a thin layer of clear lacquer from the factory, but to ensure that it does not tarnish, we recommend that you regularly maintain the protective layer yourself. Delivered incl. div. fittings, red muffler and suspension.

Note: The exhaust has been given a thin layer of clearcoat by the factory, but to ensure that it does not tarnish, we recommend that you maintain the protective layer on an ongoing basis.

Does it fit?

This item fits the following models:

Aprilia SR 50 2T (Minarelli vertical)
Yamaha BWS/Spy 50 2T
Yamaha Slider 50 2T (before 2004)